Thursday, August 27, 2009

Reality Check: My Turn

Ah, thank goodness for President Barack Obama and Congress and their new "transparent" policy making. Thanks to them and the internet, I can now get the "truth" from somewhere other than CNN. The "truth" is, of course, dumbed down without any direct quotes from the health care reform bill currently floating around the Capitol Building, but it is presented beautifully in HD so all the low income families who can't afford private insurance (and yet somehow can afford a video card with HD capabilities?) can marvel at their tax dollars at work.

I know, you're wondering, "Where might I find this beautiful pot o' gold full of valuable information?" HERE.

Let me first say that our nations health care system is in desperate need of reform. However, the one thing that needs reform more than that system is the group trying to enact the reforms. In short, our government reforming health care is like realizing you have a drinking problem and going to your drunken Aunt Mildred for advice on getting sober. It won't work. It can't. But enough about our governments general failings, that's another blog (or 15) altogether.

The title that shows up on the top bar of your web browser reads, "Get the facts about the stability and security you get from health insurance reform." I expected a list of facts. Maybe even an outline of what's in the bill. No such luck. Instead, it's a series of videos "debunking" popularly held "myths" about the proposed reforms. The videos are obviously unbiased since they are on a White House run website and generally feature White House staff members.

My personal favorite is the video titled "Reform will benefit small business - not burden it," (watch it below if you're too lazy to find it while at the above link) in which a staffer "answers" a comment by a small business owner stating he would not be able to hire new workers under the reform. The spin from the White House is that small business pays more currently than big business does for similar coverage for their employees. So leveling that playing field would be a good thing. The truth is that the reform bill will require some form of health insurance for every man, woman, and child in the country and if the employee cannot afford it, the government will pay for some, and so will the employer. Not only is that a burden, last I checked paying is more expensive than not paying, it is unconstitutional. The United States Constitution does not allow for the federal government to tell me that I have to have health care. The United States Constitution does not provide any powers to Congress or the office of the President of the United States which would give them any domain over my employers contribution to my health insurance.

The government wants you to believe they are expanding options and making your life better, when the reality is they are limiting your choices by forcing the choice. Liberty is not a choice between doing what your government says or paying a fine. Liberty is the freedom to be an idiot and not insure yourself if you so choose. While I would prefer that everyone were insured, forcing people to buy something is wrong, and that is exactly what this "reform" would accomplish. Nothing more.

I'll let you watch the rest, and see what the reality really is. By the way, any site that doesn't offer any dissenting opinions should be immediately recognized as propaganda. That is why I was sure to link to their site and include the full video I argued against, while they have no links that don't agree with their views.